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Bleu Clair Glow Mask Pro


BLEU CLAIR GLOW MASK PRO is an innovative skincare tool that utilizes LED light technology to offer you multiple skin benefits. This mask is designed to help you address a variety of skin issues, from acne to premature aging..

This mask is easy to use and comfortable to wear. Simply place it on your face and select the desired light color. You can customize your treatment according to your specific needs. Use it regularly to achieve the best results and enjoy healthier, radiant skin.

Harness the benefits of LED technology to transform your skincare routine with our 7-color GLOW MASK PRO!

The mask features 7 different colors of LED lights, each with its own therapeutic properties. For instance:

  • The red color stimulates collagen production, reducing fine lines and wrinkles..
  • The blue light is known for its ability to treat acne by killing acne-causing bacteria.
  • The green light helps soothe the skin and reduce inflammation..


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Weight 1 kg
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